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We're thinking of making a documentary film, but unsure if it should encompass our whole voyage aboard Teleport, or focus on the Northwest Passage years from 2010 (prep) through to end of 2012 (getting into Nome, through the Bering Strait)? Let us know! Be sure to subscribe so you'll be told when we finish the video!

VIDEO UPDATE #28 - Inside Passage, Alaska, July 2015

Onwards to Prince Rupert, Canada, via the popular 'Inside Passage', accompanied by humpback whales, brown and black bears in Anan Bay, lots of rain, current and slightly too many cruise ships and float planes!

VIDEO UPDATE #27 - Lituya Bay, Alaska, July 2015

Lituya Bay is a fascinating and hauntingly beautiful place. A 'tide-line' of younger trees still rim the bay, evidence of the wold's largest-ever mega-tsunami that occurred here 50 years ago. Amazing story!

VIDEO UPDATE #26 - Cordova to Yakutat, Alaska, July 2015

Onwards from Prince William Sound and out into the dreaded Gulf of Alaska! The infamously remote Cape Saint Elias for my 32nd Birthday with dolphins, orca etc! Moose in Icy Bay and bodyboarding in Yakutat!

VIDEO UPDATE #25 - Seldovia to Cordova, Alaska, June 2015

Featuring Orca, sea lions, whales and baby deer, here we recommission Teleport after the 2014-5 winter and head on to Cordova in Prince William Sound to get ready to head out into the Gulf of Alaska on our way down to Canada.

VIDEO UPDATE #24 - Nelly's Rest to Seldovia, Alaska, July 2014

An amazing few weeks exploring the wonderful Prince William Sound, beside huge calving glaciers, seals on ice, orca, reversing tidal waterfalls, an unexpected gale and more! Enjoy this final update for 2014.

VIDEO UPDATE #23 - Seward to Nelly's Rest, Alaska, July 2014

Shrimp pot ready, we head around into Prince William Sound, complete with hiking, humpback whales bubble-net feeding, orcas, glaciers, salmon, making caviar, drone footage and finally shrimp!

VIDEO UPDATE #22 - Seldovia to Seward, Alaska, June 2014

Cruising the Kenai Peninsula, we sail Teleport right up beside huge glaciers and towering waterfalls. Such an amazing place!

VIDEO UPDATE #21 - Getting ready to depart Seldovia, Alaska, June 2014

Back to Teleport to see how she survived the winter in Seldovia (not as well as she might have), and get her ready for another season of sailing, setting off the day after Chris's 31st Birthday!

VIDEO UPDATE #20 - Wrap up for the year in Seldovia, Alaska August 2013

Exploring the local bays around Homer and Seldovia, filled with otters, pine trees, berry picking etc. Jess's parents fly over for a visit, then we wrap Teleport up for the winter! Another season of amazing sailing - done and dusted.

VIDEO UPDATE #19 - King Cove to Cook Inlet, July 2013

So many grizzly bears all around us!! And salmon! And fossilised wood, and sail breakages, and the tide leaving us high and dry (woops!) and and... almost done for the season!

VIDEO UPDATE #18 - Dutch Harbor to Dora Harbor, Alaska, July 2013

Experiencing the crazy fog and tidal rips between the Aleutian Islands, we then hid out a nasty blow in Dora harbor with some fishermen, and walked into our first Grizzly bear!

VIDEO UPDATE #17 - St Matthew Island to Dutch Harbor, Alaska, July 2013

Through the fog to the puffin and sea-lion-filled Probilof islands (St Paul and St George island), as we make yet more wonderful friends, learn about seal-clubbing, do some scientific krill samples, and at last reach the Aleutian Islands!

VIDEO UPDATE #16 - Nome to St Matthew Island - July 2013

And we're off, sailing SW into the Bering Sea to visit some extraordinary and uninhabited islands, full of amazing wildlife, fish to catch and bbq ashore, and of course a few more things to fix onboard!

VIDEO UPDATE #15 - Nome - June 2013

Flying back up to Nome, Alaska, we see how Teleport survived the winter, get her ready again, and re-launch her back into the water as the last bits of sea ice drift away, ready for the next stage of the voyage!

VIDEO UPDATE #14 - Barrow to Nome - Aug-Sept 2012

The dreaded Bering Strait - 500 odd miles of notoriously horrible weather, and nowhere to hide along the way. Yikes! But we did it, and arrived in Nome - the end of our Northwest Passage adventure!

VIDEO UPDATE #13 - Herschel Is to Barrow - Aug 2012

The last stage before the dreaded Bering Strait, follow us from the beautiful Herschel Island, on to Barter Island with all it's Polar Bears, and on at last to Barrow - an amazing place!

VIDEO UPDATE #12 - Tuktoyaktuk to Herschel Is - Aug 2012

Explore Tuk with us as the mayor takes us on a tour, and then it's off to the amazing Herschel Island - one of the top 100 places to see before global warming engulfs this fragile wonderland apparently!

VIDEO UPDATE #11 - Cambridge Bay to Tuktoyaktuk - July - Aug 2012

Finally we set off, from Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island across to Ulukhaktok (Holman), then the magic Banks Island, and on to Tuk! Ice, bear & wolf prints, weather, hunters and more!

VIDEO UPDATE #10 - Cambridge Bay - July 2012

A couple of very action-packed weeks in Cambridge Bay up to the time of departure! Boat repairs, wildlife, disasters, parties, and one big question!!! You'll enjoy this one!

VIDEO UPDATE #9 - Preparations Sydney - Cambridge Bay 2012

After 9 months back home in OZ, the time has come to get ready to head back to Teleport for the next adventure. Covering our final Sydney preps, flight to Cambridge Bay and it's amazing wildlife (great footage of arctic fox dens and birds nests) and the first week of checking Teleport survived the winter and getting started on the To Do list.

VIDEO UPDATE #8 - Greenland to Victoria Island - The Northwest Passage!

The part you've all been waiting for! Covering our trip from Greenland back west across Baffin Bay to the Canadian Arctic, and the start of the infamous Northwest Passage, west of Baffin Bay! Polar bears eating our cameras, orcas / killer whales taking a look at us, seals... Amazing scenery... And finally getting to Victoria Island where we lift Teleport out for the winter! SOME BLOOPERS AT THE END TOO! Haha!

VIDEO UPDATE #7 - Nuuk to Upernavik (Greenland's West Coast!)

The most spectacular scenery we encountered on the trip so far! Teleport sailing past iceberg arches, rolling/capsizing icebergs, beautiful anchorages and remote Greenlandic villages filled with sled dogs and colourful houses! This video encompasses our trip up the west coast of Greenland, through Disko Bugt and to our final port of call in Greenland, Upernavik, ready to set sail back to Canada and the Northwest Passage! Enjoy!

VIDEO UPDATE #6 - St Anthony to Nuuk! (Canada to Greenland!)

Well we thought we saw a weather window open for our crossing of the notorious Labrador Sea, so we cast off for Greenland - the longest ocean passage of the trip. We made iely around the bulk of the icebergs flowing down the Canadian coast, and got part way across before we got pretty beaten up by a combination of two rather vicious gales that converged on us. Jess was violently seasick for days on end, while Teleport was thrown around like a cork in a washing machine. Engine failures, the lot. When we eventually hit Greenland, it was too packed with ice to get in, so we had to turn North and sail all the way to Nuuk, Greenand's Capital - 12 days! There we eventually fixed eveything and headed onwards! Enjoy!

VIDEO UPDATE #5 - Halifax to St Anthony (Nova Scotia to Newfoundland)

Departure at last! Whales! Dolphins! Icebergs! Fog! Puffins! Opportunties to make good decisions! Pushed off from the dock at Halifax by our friends, we traveled up the coast of Nova Scotia, into St Peters, through the Bras D'Or Lakes, and across to Newfoundland! Then up the west coast and around the top to St Anthony - our jumping off point for Greenland! Enjoy!

VIDEO UPDATE #4 - The final prep to departure!

Well work re-doubled after Jess turned up at the end of May and we madly got a million things done, and unbelievably, the day of departure - the day we thought would never come - came. Enjoy!

VIDEO UPDATE #3 - Chris's First Two Weeks (May 2011)

Chris flew over to Teleport 2 weeks early to sort out the engine and get a head start on some other to-do list items before Jess turned up! It turned out to be an exciting time, almost culminating in smashing Teleport to pieces. Take a look!

VIDEO UPDATE #2 - Sea Trials! (Oct 2010)

Ok so she floats - but how strong is she? Having launched her, we now set about lifting the sail for the first time, then going on longer and longer test-sails, right up to some pretty horrendous ocean-trails where things turn ugly. Amazingly, we survive, and gain confidence in Teleports abilities, and our own!

VIDEO UPDATE #1 - Rebuilding Teleport! (Aug - Sep 2010)

The story begins - Right from seeing Teleport for the very first time, through all the heartbreaking dramas, setbacks and challenges of finding out one thing after another is wrong with this yacht, and slowly but surely basically having to rebuild the whole thing, inside and out, in the space of about 3 hectic months! This video takes us up to launching Teleport for the first time. Will she float?


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© 2007 Chris Bray & Jess Taunton