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New Video! Seward to Nelly's Rest, Alaska, July 2014  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [30th Oct 15]  Comments (10)

Just a frame from the video. Watch the video embeded below the news piece or on our Videos page - Click for full-size.

It's been a while - we've been busy - but we're very excited to have finally finished the next little video update for you guys! VIDEO UPDATE #23 covers our journey from Seward to Nelly's Rest, Alaska, back in July 2014. This was when, brand new shrimp pot ready, we headed around into Prince William Sound for the first time (like the popular Inside Passage' but more wildlife, and less people!), went hiking, watched humpback whales bubble-net feeding, were investigated by pods of orca, anchore...READ MORE >>

South East Alaska's Inside Passage  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [26th Aug 15]  Comments (10)

Black bear catching salmon in Anan Bay - Click for full-size.

So it turns out that two and a bit weeks isn't enough to do much more than simply pick one of endless possible routes through the maze of islands that forms SE Alaska's popular 'Inside Passage'. We plotted a fairly linear path from our entry at Elfin Cove, down and out through to Prince Rupert in Canada, leading us via many of the not-to-be-missed hotspots recommended to us by various boaters. It's certainly a beautiful area, with a good number of whales, bears, berries, 4G cellphone receptio...READ MORE >>

Cordova to Inside Passage: Giant waves, birthdays & body boarding in Alaska!  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [10th Jul 15]  Comments (11)

Chris on his birthday passing Cape Saint Elias - Click for full-size.

Exiting Cordova on 19th June, equipped with a wonderfully instant butane gas canister stove and stomachs full of excellent halibut burritos (from a Mexican food 'van' that's now enveloped by it's own restaurant) we were faced with a choice: We could turn left and attempt the tantalizingly short yet perilously shallow Orca Inlet out to sea, or turn right and retrace our route 50 miles (a full day sail) back up Orca Bay around Hawkins and Hinchenbrook Islands and exit Prince William Sound there in...READ MORE >>

S/V ‘Teleport’ FOR SALE  [1st Jul 15]  Comments (5)

Teleport for sale - Click for full-size.

S/V ‘Teleport’ for sale $32,000 CAD in Prince Rupert, Canada from August 2015 onwards. After months of contemplation about what to do with Teleport next year we have made the very hard decision to put her up for sale! It's not an easy decision to make, we really have been 'living the dream' for the past 5 years being able to take months off work each year and sail her that little bit closer back to home. However, we dream of other adventures too, like kayaking around remote islands, cycling ...READ MORE >>

Seldovia to Cordova, Alaska  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [16th Jun 15]  Comments (15)

Our first dawn at sea for 2015 - Click for full-size.

We've learnt that you've not only got to juggle the weather, daylight and huge 20+ft tides around here, but also the spectacular currents they can create, up to 4-5kn in some places. Apart from being almost impossible for us to motor against, a current like this can pile even a modest swell up into something truly daunting. It's all part of the game up here though, and so far, we've done well, timing our departures to try and arrive at strong currents and passages when they're flowing in our ...READ MORE >>

Back aboard Teleport for 2015 season + NEW VIDEO!  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [10th Jun 15]  Comments (12)

Jess trying to pick the lesser of various evils of tinned SPAM to stock up on - Click for full-size.

It was starting to get cold in Australia, so Jess and I've flown North to exchange the bitter Aussie winter for another northern summer aboard Teleport here in Alaska! The problem is, despite being summer, it's even colder here! We slowly flew our way from Sydney to L.A to Seattle and finally to Anchorage Alaska, where we were very excited to meet with inspirational young sailing couple Seth & Ellen who are returning to their own sailboat in Dutch Harbour. We lent them some charts for their n...READ MORE >>

Our Wedding! DVD dock, and Teleport FOR SALE!  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [13th Oct 14]  Comments (31)

Chris & Jess\'s Crazy Wedding Adventure - Click for full-size.

We finally tied the knot!! When our flights home from Alaska were cancelled three days in a row due to fog, we were beginning to worry we might be late for our own wedding! However, eventually we made it home to Australia with just 5 days to spare before heading off on our adventure wedding! Our wedding was held at a secret destination - not even the people coming knew where they were going! We just told 20 of our closest friends and family to pack four days of warm clothes and meet us at...READ MORE >>

Prince William Sound  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [27th Jul 14]  Comments (14)

Humpback Whale Breaching at Sunset - Click for full-size.

We didn't stay long in Seward, just long enough for a hot shower at the Harbour Masters, get a shrimp/prawn licence, and marvel at the endless rows of motor-homes and the giant cruise ship that we mistook for an iceberg on the way in. For a bit of much-needed exercise we jogged up the mountain towering over the port, up and down which they have a famous marathon every 4th July 'Independence Day' - quite the event apparently, and the town was in full swing getting ready for it as we refuelled nex...READ MORE >>

Glaciers, Orca and more, onwards from Seldovia  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [30th Jun 14]  Comments (20)

Teleport in front of Aialik Glacier, Alaska - Click for full-size.

It was a great start: A pod of Orca (killer whales) accompanied our ferry trip from Homer across to Seldovia where Teleport lay wrapped and waiting. Actually it wasn't a ferry, it was a scenic cruise boat, but it was the only boat heading to Seldovia that day. Weighed down with countless bags, and bleary-eyed from 36-hrs of planes and airports, we looked deceptively disinterested in the otters and bird-covered rocks - Jess even stretched out asleep across the seats - until the captain shouted “O...READ MORE >>

Heading back to Teleport!  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [17th Jun 14]  Comments (24)

Chris & Jess, video update #20 - Click for full-size.

It's beginning to feel a lot like winter here in Sydney, Australia, which is a sure sign that it must be beginning to look a lot like summer in Alaska - time for some more sailing! Chris and I departed for Alaska on Monday 16th of June, surviving a 14hr flight to Los Angeles, a 6hr layover there, and we're currently in the air between L.A. and Anchorage (5.hrs), where we'll spend a night homeless at the airport from about midnight until our 6AM flight on a much smaller plane to Homer, where a fr...READ MORE >>

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