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It's just us two...

Chris Bray

Chris Bray (www.ChrisBray.net)

Adventurer / photographer Chris Bray, now 27, living in Sydney, Australia, was born into a life of adventure - sailing around the world for 5 years with his family on their homemade yacht Starship. Since then, Chris has led various expeditions including world first journeys across unexplored parts of the arctic, Tasmania's untracked wilderness etc. Chris BraySailing has remained a hobby, and together with some mates he sailed from Tasmania across the Southern Ocean to Chile, via the sub-Antarctic islands, working towards getting his celestial navigation qualifications.

On the board of Councillors for The Australian Geographic Society (elected 2011, their youngest ever), and their 'Young Adventurer of the Year’ in 2004 and their 'Spirit of Adventure' awardee in 2008, as well as chairman for the Australia and New Zealand chapter of The Explorers Club, Chris's other main focus is his photography. He's Canon's Ambassador for digital photography in Australia, and recognised as one of Australia's leading outdoor photographers, judging competitions, sponsored by Lowepro, and running 1 day photography courses and safaris all around Australia and New Zealand... Read More >>

Jess Taunton

Jess Taunton (www.JessTaunton.com)

Jess is an experienced wilderness guide and keen photographer. Now 23 years old and living in Sydney, her first photography award kick started her passion in photography and being a young Girl Guide with a sash full of badges fuelled her obsession with the outdoors. Since then she has had photos published in 'National Parks and Wildlife' pamphlets, wedding magazines, Australian Geographic Outdoor and, partnered with Chris Bray, helps run photography courses all around Australia and New Zealand. Jess has also worked extensively with Australia's leading provider of experience based outdoor education, "Southbound Adventures".

Jess Taunton

After finishing high school in 2005, Jess volunteered at a Girl Guiding Activity Centre over in England which included formal 'instructor level' training in kayaking, canoeing, climbing, abseiling and archery. After working the 2006 English summer, she spent the remaining 6 months of the year honing her adventuring skills all across Europe - enjoying hiking in Scotland and France, canyoning in Budapest, white-water rafting in the Czech Republic, as well as mountain bike riding and bush walking in the Black Forest in Germany... Read More >>

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© 2007 Chris Bray & Jess Taunton